Utility Projects

Stay updated on the enhancements within the Palm Coast Utility Department. We're focused on preserving our existing infrastructure while preparing for the future by upgrading water treatment plants and improving sewer systems. Keep track of our progress as we work to provide more reliable and sustainable utility services.

Wastewater Treatment Facility 2 Expansion

The City of Palm Coast is significantly expanding Wastewater Treatment Plant #2, aiming to enhance its capacity by 2.0 million gallons per day (MGD) to better serve the community and prepare for future development. This ambitious project includes installing advanced headworks screening and grit removal systems, adding a new Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) treatment train, constructing additional sludge holding tanks, and enhancing reuse pumping systems.


Learn more by reading the updates below!

As work continues on the construction of this expansion, the chlorine contact chamber has been completed. Contractors for this project are currently working on the Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Process Equipment, as well as installing and testing various pumps at equipment throughout the new structure.



Update on Wastewater Treatment Facility #2 Expansion Project as of June 2024

The City of Palm Coast is making significant progress in expanding Wastewater Treatment Plant #2. It aims to enhance its capacity by 2.0 million gallons per day (MGD) to support future growth and improve current infrastructure. This initiative started in September 2022, involves upgrading the plant with advanced systems such as new headworks screening and grit removal, a 2 MGD Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) treatment train, new sludge holding tanks, and enhanced reuse pumping capabilities.

As of June 2024, significant milestones have been achieved, including the near completion of new sludge holding tanks, substantial progress on the MBR treatment train, and continued enhancements to the reuse pumping systems. The expansion of WWTP #2 is a key component of Palm Coast's commitment to maintaining environmental health and ensuring long-term sustainability in wastewater management.

Florida Park Drive Wastewater Lift Station Bypass

The City of Palm Coast utility team recently completed a project that included installation of a special interconnect from 7 wells at Water Treatment Facility #3 to Water Treatment Facility #1 which will allow Water Treatment Plant #1 to operate with a higher capacity to better serve the surrounding areas.

Wastewater Headworks Bypass System 

Installation of the headworks bypass system is being conducted to help support new wastewater capacity levels, allowing crews to conduct routine system maintenance without requiring a system shutdown. Crews have installed the new bypass lines. Next Steps will include the installation of aerator equipment.

Water Treatment Plant Interconnect

Crews are working to install a bypass system at Wastewater Treatment Facility #1. In doing so, this will allow for staff to conduct future maintenance efforts without needing to shut down wastewater services. Additional components of this project will include coating and rehabilitation to the system and aeration upgrades to help improve operations.

Air valves have been installed for pressure release and this project is now complete.