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What can I recycle?


What can I recycle?




YES: All office paper, white paper, colored paper, newspaper, magazines, catalogs, phone books, junk mail, paperboard, tissue boxes, manila folders, paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, unwaxed food packaging, shredded paper, paperback books, hard cover books (with the cover removed), paper coffee cups, unfoiled wrapping paper, brown paper bags.


NO: Napkins, tissue paper, paper towels, wax paper, foil wrapping paper, basically any paper that can be contaminated with bodily fluids.


CARDBOARD (All cardboard should be broken down and should not exceed 2 feet x 2 feet)


YES: Corrugated cardboard, clean pizza boxes (no grease contaminants, food and wax paper removed), boxboard (examples: shoeboxes, gift boxes, cereal, and pantry boxes).


NO: Cardboard lined with plastic, any waxed or waterproof cardboard.


METAL (All containers should be rinsed)


YES: Metal and tin beverage containers, metal and tin food containers, clean aluminum foil, aluminum takeout containers, aluminum pie plates and trays, kitchen cookware (examples: metal pots, tins, utensils, etc.), empty aerosol hairspray cans.


NO: Motor oil cans, metal and cardboard containers, paint cans, pesticide aerosol cans.


GLASS (All glass should be rinsed)


YES: All glass food containers, jars, beer and wine bottles.


NO: Light bulbs, mirror glass, window glass, ceramics, crystal.




YES: All plastics Nos. 1-7 (with the EXCEPTION of polystyrene or Styrofoam which is sometimes labeled No. 5), food and beverage containers, screw top jars/containers (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc.), deli-style containers, takeout containers, plastic cups (remove the straw), milk and juice jugs, soap bottles, shampoo, laundry detergent, all other plastic jug or bottles, plant containers (if it is labeled on the bottom with Nos. 1-7), CD/cassette/DVD cases.


NO: Plastic baggies, plastic tableware, Styrofoam containers of any kind, grocery sacks (most grocery stores will take these back).


In general, the advice we give is if it has a recycling number code on it, put it in your recycling container. If it is not accepted at your recycling center, they will send it to the landfill. Please also rinse bottles out before putting them into the recycling bin.