Palm Coast to Conduct Canal Drone Surveying this Month
Wednesday April, 05 2023
The City of Palm Coast Stormwater & Engineering department is providing oversight to a series of surveys that will be conducted later this month via drone in the canal sections of Palm Coast – specifically the “C” and “F” section residential neighborhoods and the areas along the intracoastal waterway.
While utilizing this technology allows for fast, efficient surveying, the department wants area residents and neighboring business owners to be aware that acquired footage may include overhead shots of homes, businesses, and properties and advise residents in these areas not to be alarmed, should they see drones in these areas later this month.
“We understand that drones flying overhead can be alarming for residents, so we want them to rest assured that if they see drones in their area, or operators setting up nearby, that they are there for city business purposes,” said Carmelo Morales, Project Manager. “We want to thank our residents in advance for their understanding as we strive to use the best technological methods possible to help us plan for a better tomorrow here in Palm Coast.”
Drone team research will consist of mostly slow maneuvering of the small aircrafts at 10 to 20 foot heights above the canal sea level and will be conducted over a series of several days between the date ranges April 10-14 and April 17-21.
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